Walkmen Network

This is all about IT solution of Walkmen Network

To view each NTFS file permission of each folder, we can use the Xcacls.vbs to finish this easy task. First, download the installation file from this link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/825751/en-us Then, extract the file and start a command prompt. “cd” to the directory, and then run the following command: C:\temp> cscript.exe xcacls.vbs c:\* /T

For our easy reference (and to add score to search engine), this is an important document to be reference for transfering/upgrade/downgrade Active Directory of Windows Servers. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324801

Repair COM+ Failure

Microsoft COM+ is a component system allowing software to communicate. Any software requires sending data inside Windows system may be required to run on top of COM+. After using the computer for some time, you may see some COM+ failure in the Event Viewer (Right click on My Computer -> Manager->Event Viewer->Application/System). As COM+ can be [...]